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Image by Alexander Grey


Let's talk about how useful neuroscience is in life, especially in a way to transfigure brain function into action for better well-being. Stay tuned to Vigor Action channel!


Programs that use the element of water as an activity environment because of the safety benefits of motion for various exercises for muscles and joints. We prepare programs for children to the elderly with a combination of using or without tools because cognition is all the mental work you need to function as a human being.


Never too late for having better well-being. Such a wise decision to optimize brain function in your old age. Vigor action offers a program for the elderly to live a wonderful life.

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Recognizing the age profile of children's brain work maturity is not done tediously in a closed room. Vigor action brings a transitional phase from the education period to the work period according to the habits of children.


Being a father and mother is not a job, it is a relationship in understanding the complexities between individuals in a family. Understand how a child's brain works as we experienced it.


Vigor is prepared to respond to the challenges of rapid change in the technological era ahead. In running a business we need to understand the mindset of the individuals in the team and other stakeholders.


Teachers, lecturers, speakers, educators, and education observers, all need to understand holistically the brain function inside out. Vigor action provides Training of Teachers to comprehend even more how to transfigure in action.

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VIGOR is a mind-tech company focusing on applied neuroscience through education and activities to stimulate brain function as the key to well-being and transfigure action into a brilliant mind.

© 2022 PT Vim Myalo Techno all rights reserved.

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PT Vim Myalo Techno

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